How to Open a Demo Account on Binarium

How to Open a Demo Account on Binarium

The demo account on the platform is technically and functionally a complete copy of the live trading account, except that the client is trading with the use of virtual funds. Assets, quotes, trading indicators, and signals are completely identical. Thus, a demo account is an excellent way of training, testing all kinds of trading strategies, and developing money management skills. It is a perfect tool to help you make your first steps in trading, see how it works, and learn how to trade. Advanced traders can practice various trading strategies without risking their own money.
How to join Affiliate Program and become a Partner in Binarium

How to join Affiliate Program and become a Partner in Binarium

Today I would like to consider the topic of making money on binary options from a slightly different angle. Namely, to tell you about the possibility of earning money on options as a partner. That is, take part in the brokers' affiliate program. In this case, you do not have to trade binary options yourself. You just become a partner of this or that broker binary options, you get all the necessary materials - banners, links, sliders, etc. Next, advertise your affiliate link. If the person who came to your link makes a deposit (as a rule, the minimum deposit is $ 200), then you receive your commission. Often, the amount of commissions ranges from $ 100- $ 150 from one deposit, depending on the broker you choose. For example, the commission is $ 100, and the commission is $ 150. There is a difference, but in principle, both are significant amounts, so you can work with each of the brokers. Although for beginners, I again do not recommend too much spray. Choose one first.